Holly Road Garden of Rest Improvement

Closed 31 May 2013

Opened 13 May 2013


We hope residents are pleased with the works in Holly Road Garden of Rest over the past few months, including new park furniture/painted fence/hedge reduction/tree works/tomb repairs/footpath overlay & new planting, all of which have opened up the site and made it a more pleasant space to enjoy.

During the initial consultation we suggested improving the play area to add more play value. There were several suggestions in response to make the play area much larger which entailed moving fence lines and tombstones. As a compromise we propose a subtle extension of the play area which will increase it by approx 60sq metres and allow for a larger dog free/picnic area and enable the introduction of more natural play equipment. A suitable piece of play equipment that would fit into this space is a wooden basket swing with some smaller wooden play elements/seating for smaller children around the perimeter (see background document for examples).

We will also paint the playground railings the same colour as the external railings and install another S-shaped picnic bench in the new extended play space. An ornate gate for the vehicle entrance will be installed once the Highways Scheme for Holly Road is completed later this year. We will also look at installing two smaller pedestrian gates to increase safety once the Highways scheme is complete.




  • Residents