Hampton Hill Library - pre planning consultation 2010

Closed 16 Nov 2010

Opened 2 Nov 2010


Hampton Hill Library has re-located to a new site in the High Street, Hampton Hill. The former library site (Windmill Road) will be sold and, to add to its value, it is proposed that planning consent to turn it into a residential site is obtained and included in the sale.


An exhibition on the proposals was held at the former library site on Tuesday 2 November, where Council officers and the architect were available to explain the proposals and answer questions. It was publicised in the local area and local residents were written to. Local Associations were also written to and representatives attended the exhibition. The exhibition was then transferred to Twickenham Civic Centre where it was on display from 3 - 16 November. Comments forms were available at both locations. In addition, ward Councillors were consulted and attended a briefing meeting in October.

What happens next

46 people visited the exhibition with 43 expressing various degrees of approval and 3 objecting to the scheme. Several people left written comments. Feedback from the consultation is now being considered by the architects.



  • Residents
  • Community groups


  • Richmond Borough