Hampton Infants School and Nursery, Zone 6 - School Streets Scheme

Closed 30 Jun 2021

Opened 5 Oct 2020


During the national lockdown in January/February 2021 the operation of School Street schemes in Richmond was paused. To give people time to experience the scheme and give us their views, the closing date for this consultation has been extended from 12 April to 30 June 2021.

A School Street is where a road with a school temporarily closes to reduce vehicular traffic during the school's opening and closing times, to enhance the safety of school children.

There are many benefits of Schools Streets including keeping the area outside the school gates free of congestion, reducing idling vehicles and potentially improving air quality, encouraging active travel to school, aiding social distancing, creating a pleasant and calm atmosphere at the start and end of the school day and, of course, improving road safety.

As part of the Covid-19 response, the council is temporarily introducing urgent trials of the School Streets scheme across several schools in the borough.  The full list of the urgent school street schemes and drawings of them can be viewed on the School Street pages of our website. A map of the proposed changes for this school street can be seen here.

The proposed measures are in response to Government guidance and Transport for London’s call for Local Authorities to make temporary and immediate measures to reallocate road space to people walking and cycling, both to encourage active travel and to enable social distancing. The council has secured funding from the TfL’s Streetspace Funding to implement additional School Streets in Autumn 2020 across the borough via an Experimental Traffic Order (ETO).

What is an Experimental Traffic Order?

ETOs are used to deliver immediate and short-term measures that require monitoring and further review giving the council the opportunity to trial measures.

The schemes could only be made permanent via a Permanent Traffic Order following a formal decision by the council’s Transport and Air Quality Committee.

Whilst there is no requirement for formal consultation in advance of introducing the temporary measures, there is a statutory 6-month period following implementation whereby anyone may comment in writing and all comments must be considered.

An ETO can be amended or withdrawn at any time. The council will monitor the trial schemes and review the data collected. The council then has the option to make amendments to the schemes during the trial period to improve their effectiveness.

Have your say

If you have a question about the School Streets Scheme generally, you may find the answer in our Frequently asked questions about School Streets page. 

The local ward Councillors and the Cabinet Member of the Transport and Air Quality Services Committee support the trial going ahead but emphasise that this is a trial. Real-life evidence and resident feedback will be collected and reviewed before any conclusions on the scheme are reached.

The Council is keen to hear the views of local residents, the school community and businesses throughout the trial period. The trials for this school are due to commence on 5 October 2020 and feedback can be submitted via the 'Your comments' link below.

If you require a paper copy of the survey or a different language/format, please contact schoolstreets@richmond.gov.uk with 'Urgent School Streets' in the subject line.



  • Open to all


  • Richmond Borough