Ham Close Residents' Survey

Closed 27 Jan 2014

Opened 13 Jan 2014


The Prince’s Foundation for Building Community is working with Richmond Housing Partnership (RHP) and Richmond Council to gather the views of residents and local stakeholders on the potential refurbishment or development of Ham Close.

Have your Say

This involves getting your thoughts and ideas on how you would like Ham Close to look in the future. You can give us your views by:

  • Completing the on-line questionnaire. 
  • Coming along to one of the Public Drop In Sessions being run by the Prince's Foundation on the 15th, 16th and 17th January at Ham Library (2pm to 5pm each day)
  • Attending the Public Open Session on 20th January at 6.15p.m. at Grey Court School.

Your input will feed directly into an Enquiry by Design workshop, in which a vision for the sustainable future of Ham Close will be developed. The workshop will be attended by invited stakeholders and local resident representatives.



  • Residents


  • Richmond Borough