Twickenham Green Lighting Consultation
The path lighting that was installed on the Green in October 2024 used solar LED lights with motion and daylight sensor lamps – these are an environmentally friendly and cost-effective solution which avoided the need for digging channels for cables on the Green.
Over the last two months these have been tested and adjusted to maximise their effectiveness, adapting for winter sun levels and numbers of people crossing the Green and triggering the lights at different times of the evening and night. However, the tests have indicated that the solar energy being produced is not meeting the desired length of power needed to light late into the evening, and as a result the Council will be installing additional mains power units to the existing lights to act as a back up should solar levels drop below desired levels. This will provide a hybrid solution to ensure that if there is insufficient solar energy to meet demand, the additional power will kick in to power the lights when triggered.
Channels will be dug and cables installed along the path - this work will take place across two days, from 6th to 8th of January.
The Council has also taken on board the feedback received so far concerning the colour of the existing lighting columns and will be painting the columns black at the same time as installing the additional power units. The consultation will remain open so you can continue to give us your feedback throughout the 12-month pilot period.

Safety and security
Richmond is the safest London borough, with a crime rate of 70 crimes per 1,000 population over the last 12 months, compared with the London average of 125 crimes. However, there has been a 25% increase in recorded VAWG offences in the borough over the same period (rising from 16 to 20 offences).
Twickenham Green is set on well-lit main routes and the green itself is open with clear sightlines from one end to the other in most places. However the Council feel the lighting trial is an important tribute to the memory of Amelie Delagrange and a sign of its continued effort to prevent tragedies like this from happening in the future.
Some local residents have also raised concerns about anti-social behaviour on the green, which it is hoped the lighting trial will help to alleviate.
Visual impact
It is important that any changes to the lighting are sympathetic to the setting of Twickenham Green. The Green lies within a conservation area and has been designated an Other Open Land of Townscape Importance (OOLTI). You can read more about conservation areas on the Council's website at
Ecology impact
Appropriate standards
Any new lighting must meet road lighting design standard BS5489. The Council considered five different lighting solutions before deciding on the best solution to meet the needs of the project.
Implementation works
The project needed to cause minimal disturbance to the physical infrastructure of the Green, as well as to local residents and visitors. The lighting was also chosen to be easily removed if the project is not taken forward following the trial.
The proposed lighting solution needed to be cost-effective in terms of purchase, installation and operation. The cost of buying and installing the selected lighting is £15,000.
(Please note this figure was previously quoted as £12,000 but has been corrected on 15/01/24)
What lighting scheme is being piloted?
Following a period of collaboration with expert advisors and local partners including the Police and the Friends of Twickenham Green, an optimum solution for the 12-month pilot was identified. The new lights will be solar LED lights with motion and daylight sensor lamps. They will operate at a low level during the hours of darkness and become brighter when the sensors are triggered. They are also a cost-effective solution and have been used successfully elsewhere in the borough on the tow path by Hammersmith Bridge.
What will the trial involve?
The lighting scheme was installed in October and will be piloted for 12 months, with a review after six months to assess its impact.
Residents, community groups and other interested parties are invited to share their views throughout the pilot period. This will help the Council assess the level of support for the scheme and ensure that all comments and concerns are considered, both during the pilot period and before any decision is made on how to proceed after the pilot.
Please note, this consultation is only concerned with the new lighting being piloted on the central path across the Green, not the existing lighting around the Green.
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- South Twickenham
- Open to all
- Richmond Borough
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