Gordon Avenue, Ailsa Avenue and Normanhurst Drive - Parking consultation

Closed 13 Sep 2013

Opened 9 Aug 2013


The Council has recently received a number of complaints (including two petitions) from residents of Netherton Road and Orchard Road concerning the lack of available parking space for residents due to daytime commuter parking.


In view of these complaints, the Council is carrying out a consultation with residents of these roads to establish if there is a majority support (meaning support from more than 50% of dwellings) in these roads for a new Community Parking Zone (CPZ) to be introduced – see drawing overleaf (Yellow Area).


Any new CPZ introduced in Orchard Road / Netherton Road could result in displacement parking in Gordon Avenue, Alisa Avenue and Normanhurst Drive. With this in mind, the Council is also consulting residents of these three roads to see if they would wish to be included in any new CPZ introduced in Orchard Road / Netherton Road - in the area highlighted in red on the drawing. To consider a CPZ in this area we need to establish whether there is majority support from more than 50% of households in these roads.


Your views are important to us and we would welcome any comments you may have on this matter.


Please complete and submit the questionnaire using the link below by Friday 13 September 2013 when the consultation closes. This consultation period is longer than the usual 21 day period due to the summer holiday season.


Additional information on CPZs and the cost of parking permits can be found on the Council website www.richmond.gov.uk/controlled_parking_zones.


The results of this consultation will be analysed by Council officers and if it is established that there is sufficient support for a CPZ, the Council will develop and promote firmer proposals.


If a CPZ is implemented, the council will endeavour to keep street furniture (new posts) to a minimum and, where possible, will install short (approx 1 metre high) posts for the new signage.


If you have any comments or queries, please feel free to call David Vazquez Rossainz on 020 8487 5403.



  • Residents
  • Businesses


  • Richmond Borough