Elmfield Gardens and Jubilee Gardens Landscape Consultation

Closed 3 May 2013

Opened 12 Apr 2013


The Council continues implementation of its Parks Improvement Plan II with a programme of improvements to parks and open spaces across the borough.


The importance of this work is acknowledged by residents who when asked in the All in One survey 2011 what they like best about their local area, the majority mentioned the parks and open spaces.


In order to retain the current high standards of parks, improvements to new and existing facilities are developed through consultation with residents and we would be interested in your views on the proposed improvements to Elmfield Gardens & Jubilee Gardens - Teddington High Street.


Elmfield Gardens Landscape Proposals

The subtlety of the original design over 30 years ago based on Hidcote, Lawrence Johnston's famous garden in Gloucestershire has become obscured and the planting patchy and would benefit from updating. This provides an opportunity for minor improvements to the layout to open up the area, increase the seating capacity and social aspect of the site. Two layout options for the area are proposed:


Option 1: Retain the existing layout and replace the poor quality grass segments around the main seating area with planting. Replace shrub and perennial general planting and consolidate planted areas.


Option 2: Increase the paved area and seating capacity. This would result in a stronger design, but with a slight reduction in planted areas. Replace shrub and perennial general planting.


Please see detailed designs in the background documents below.


Jubilee Gardens Landscape Proposals

The existing layout also more than 30 years old, was based on a woodland, hence the large number of trees. The tree canopies and roots have now grown substantially and the dry, shady conditions underneath restricts the potential for new planting.


A raised area in the middle of the site has recently been cleared and levelled, providing an opportunity to extend the old seating area and include some new planting to complement the buildings to the rear which are quite strongly coloured.


Please see the design and detailed year round planting proposal in the background documents below.


Your views are important to us so please take the time to have your say by looking at the background documents and completing the questionnaire at the link below by 3rd May at 5pm when the consultation closes.


If you would like any more information please contact parks@richmond.gov.uk.



  • Residents
  • Community groups
  • Service users
  • Voluntary groups