E-Scooter Rental Trial and E-Bike Hire Scheme

Closed 19 Nov 2023

Opened 19 May 2023


Richmond is participating in Transport for London’s (TfL) multi-borough e-scooter rental trial, which began on 7 June 2021.

The scheme is made possible by legislation enabling local authorities to host public hire schemes subject to Department for Transport approval. The trial aims to test the viability and safety of e-scooters as part of a long-term solution to air quality and congestion issues across London. An overview of the e-scooter rental trial is available here.

We are also working with companies to provide e-bike public hire schemes in the borough. An overview of the current arrangements is available here

Designated parking locations

For the e-scooter rental trial, trips can only be finished in a designated bay. For the e-bike rental schemes, parking in a designated bay is currently encouraged but not mandatory.

In the first phase of the trial, parking bays were provided at 29 locations. We are now expanding the scope of the e-scooter rental trial by providing additional bays in 36 locations across the borough. These bays are designated for use by e-scooters and e-bikes.

The additional bays have been introduced as a trial. This means that we will take into account any feedback as well as our own monitoring of the operation of the scheme before deciding whether to keep, withdraw or amend the new bays.  

Your feedback

The online form below has 3 sections:

  • Feedback on the e-scooter rental trial (in general)
  • Feedback on the e-bike hire scheme (in general)
  • Comments relating to the specific locations of the additional parking bays designated for e-scooters and e-bikes

You can skip any sections that you do not wish to complete.

Note that rental e-scooters are the only legal way to ride an e-scooter. Illegal use of privately owned e-scooters is a matter for the police (and is not covered in this consultation). It can incur penalties including a fine of:

  • Up to £300
  • Up to 6 penalty points on a driving licence
  • Confiscation of the e-scooter

Have your say

Please give us your views by clicking on the Online Survey link below. If you require a paper copy of the survey or a different language/format, please contact transportation@richmond.gov.uk or call us on (020)8 871 6293.

What happens next

Comments will be taken into account in the Council’s evaluation of the schemes and when considering whether to keep, amend or withdraw each bay once the initial 6 month period of the trial has expired.


  • All Areas


  • Residents


  • Richmond Borough