Whitton and Hampton Library Drinks Machine Trial

Closed 7 Jul 2015

Opened 7 Apr 2015

Results updated 16 Nov 2015

This consultation was regarding the trial of two hot drinks machines in Whitton Library and Hampton Library.  The trial took place from 7th April until 7th July and customers were asked to complete a survey form and in return were given a free sample drink from the machine. In total 80 people took part.

  • Whitton Library had 24 paper forms completed.
  • Hampton Library had 9 paper forms completed.
  • There were 47 online forms completed.

Feedback from both Whitton and Hampton Library was that a coffee machine was of interest on both sites but not this one which was felt to be too big. There were various other problems with it including the drinks being too hot to hold in the plastic cups, the quality was poor and that the customers would be happy to pay a bit more than the 50p regular price charged for this machine for a drink of better quality.

The cold drink was considered particularly unpleasant and granular

The trial machines were removed and a different type of machine will be introduced in a library later in the year.  The library chosen may not be Whitton or Hampton as although the overall consensus  was that it could be a nice facility to have in these libraries,  the uptake during the trial was low on both of these sites.


The Richmond Libraries Service is always looking at different ways to improve what it offers. 

This survey aims primarily to hear from users or people who live in the area of Whitton and Hampton libraries, about what services they use and the services and facilities they would like that are currently not available.

One improvement you have told us you would like is to have a refreshment facility in the library. In response drinks machines are being installed in Whitton and Hampton libraries for a 3 month trial period to see how popular this facility is.

By filling in the survey below you will help us to look at other new facilities and/or services it may be possible to bring into the library and find out if you think the drinks machine is a good idea.  Please submit your questionnaire by 7th July when this survey closes. Once you have submitted the online questionnaire a unique ID number will appear on the screen which you can print off and take into Whitton or Hampton library in exchange for a free drink as a thank you for taking part.

If you would like any more information please contact Amanda Stirrup either by email at amanda.stirrup@richmond.gov.uk or by telephone on 020 8734 3322.



  • Open to all


  • Richmond Borough