Draft Licensing Policy 2010

Closed 3 Oct 2010

Opened 20 Aug 2010


A revised policy has to be put before the Council as part of the current three year statutory cycle for policy adoption and renewal under the Licensing Act 2003. In advance of this, we sought views on the revised draft. The policy is the guide for decision makers, applicants and those that wish to make representations for or against licensing applications. This refers to licensing of alcohol, regulated entertainment and late night refreshment.


The aim of the revisions has been to:

- Thoroughly review and update the existing policy for changes in case law, guidance and experience since the last review in 2007.

- To make sure that the policy remains detailed, clear and succinct.


Consultation Document

The revised draft is available under 'Background documents' below and hard copies were also available at the Civic Centre and in libraries. Comments were submitted via the online survey. Alternatively, the survey was available to download and return by post.


To note: the Home Office consultation 'Rebalancing the Licensing Act' (which ended 8 September 2010) is likely to impact Richmond Council's licensing policy, if/when the changes proposed in the consultation become law. However, there is currently no dispensation from the three year cycle for policy adoption and renewal, and therefore we had to continue with our own policy consultation in the mean time.


Personal Information

Some personal information was required to complete the survey, so that we can analyse and assess the findings by location and contact individuals with any further information or queries. We have not been able to accept responses without a valid name and address, but individuals could choose not to have their details disclosed in the public domain. The information provided will be treated in the strictest confidence; it will not be passed onto third parties and will only be used for the purposes of this consultation.

What happens next

Fewer responses (seven) have been received this year than on previous consultations, but this is in line with other South West London Licensing Authorities. The Council's draft Licensing Policy issued for consultation was redrafted following public consultation.

What has happened as a result?

The results were reported to the Regulatory Committee on 20 October 2010, which the public could attend. It was resolved that the policy be recommended for approval at Council, subject to final amendments being made by the Head of Licensing in conjunction with the Chairman of the committee.


The consultation report and schedule of comments are available to view and outline the key changes made as a result of consultation responses. The minutes and decision of the 20 October Regulatory Committee are also available.



  • Residents
  • Businesses
  • Community groups
  • Voluntary groups


  • Richmond Borough