Development Management DPD - publication

Closed 6 Dec 2010

Opened 25 Oct 2010


This is a six week public consultation on the Council's final version of the Development Management DPD and Proposals Map Changes.  Following this publication consultation, the Development Management DPD including the Proposals Map will be formally submitted to the Inspectorate for Examination by an independent Inspector. If the DM DPD is found "sound", it will be formally adopted later in 2011.

What happens next

There were 128 responses to the policies, from 33 individuals or organisations and 27 responses to the proposals map changes from 21 individuals or organisations. The report to Cabinet on 24 January 2011 (see link below) highlights the key issues raised in the consultation.

What has happened as a result?

Officers are preparing responses to all the issues raised in the consultation for the Examination in Public.  The matters to be discussed at the Examination will be decided by the Inspector who can examine anything regardless of whether there was an objection. Some matters will be dealt with by written responses. It is expected that the Examination will start in the second week of May 2011 and continue for several weeks. The Inspector's Report should arrive in August 2011 and if the DMDPD is found sound, it could be adopted by October 2011



  • Residents
  • Businesses
  • Community groups
  • Visitors and tourists
  • Voluntary groups


  • Richmond Borough