Crane Park "People in Parks"

Closed 14 Nov 2012

Opened 29 Oct 2012


The aim of this project is to expand on the GLA Help a London Park Project by bringing four smaller open spaces under Crane Park, ensuring further enhanced community commitment and involvement in the management of open spaces along the river Crane. We aim also to restore access and visuals to a fifth location that has become overgrown in recent years.

1. Hospital Bridge Road/Willow Way Open Space

Currently not accessible due to bramble & heavy vegetation cover.  A lot of fly tip at rear of site.


Phase 1 winter 2012 - replace fencing at rear of site to protect from fly tipping.  Install gate/barrier to prevent unauthorised access on private road if agreeable with residents.

Phase 2 spring 2013 - mammal, reptile and grassland survey early spring which will dictate future use & management

2. Mill Road Open Space & section between allotments & river

Open space requires tree work along river boundary to open up the space and possibly remove fence if appropriate.

Strip of land between allotments & river - due to the allotment security removal of the fence along pathway to open up this space is not possible. Alternative use would be to create a space for bee hives, managed by local bee keepers. Or create another classroom area, with selected access.


Proposal winter 2012 - selective tree works and restore some good understory vegetation to prepare for bee hive or classroom proposal.

3. Area adjacent to Crane Community Centre on Meadway

Bring the land back under park management but keep hard standing boarded off for now.


Phase 1 winter 2012 - Replace chain link fencing along Meadway with bollards set back 1.5m keeping in same style as rest of Crane Park to create an open access.

Clear a circular path around perimeter including removing any fly tip.

Phase 2 spring 2013 - following grassland, mammal & reptile surveys, if suitable, plant some more diverse vegetation (Hazel, spindle dogwood field maple and some marginal's as well as balsam removal) and install one or two resting benches.

Plant a community orchard and try to involve the school in both the planting and the longer term management of the trees.

 4. Pevensey Road area - Little Park

This area currently has public access (albeit poor) however it has a fair amount of Giant Hogweed on which is hazardous for human health.


Phase 1 get rid of the GH then look at the marginal edges for potential habitat restoration for water voles.  Create a circular walk with possibly a couple of benches. One side faces onto houses so all the real vegetation clearance needs to be on the west side.

5. Area of Crane Park between Lincoln Avenue & Fulwell Park Avenue

Over the years this woodland has become overgrown and unpleasant to walk in especially Hospital Bridge Road end. Widening footpaths and cutting back trees and vegetation would open up the area for walking by the river Crane and make it more pleasant for children & families to enjoy.


 cutting regime to widen footpaths & open up vegetation around poplars creating a halo effect to make them a prominent feature.  Planting some woodland flowers & some willow removal to open up the river.  Continue balsam removal.

Install a field gate to prevent illegal fly tipping but allow access for maintenance.



  • Residents
  • Community groups
  • Voluntary groups


  • Richmond Borough