Community Roads & Pavements Fund 2014

Closed 13 Dec 2013

Opened 4 Nov 2013

Results updated 20 Oct 2017

If you nominated a road or pavement for improvements this year thank you for taking the time to participate in the scheme.

The roads which will receive funding from this round of nominations are listed in the document below.



As part of the Council's drive to improve the environment of the borough and after listening to resident feedback from its 'All in One' consultation and Annual Residents' Survey, an annual funding pot of £35,000 has been made available for improvements to roads and pavements in each of the fourteen village areas in the borough. This sum (in total £490,000) is in addition to the maintenance work being carried out by the Council and each year local residents will be invited to suggest how the money should be spent in their area.

How can you get involved?

Each year Richmond residents can make suggestions for improvements to roads and pavements in the borough. The nominations for the 2014 round of funding are now closed. The next opportunity to submit your suggestion will be early in 2015.

How are the final decisions made?

The most frequently mentioned nominations for each year are evaluated by highways officers to ensure they are practical and do not form part of existing planned work. The final decision is taken by the Cabinet Member for Highway and Street Scene.

What happens next

All agreed improvements to roads and pavements from the 2014 round of funding will be completed by April 2015.

The next opportunity to submit your nominations will be early in 2015 and will be publicised on the Council website and in local libraries.



  • Residents


  • Richmond Borough