Church Road playground improvements

Closed 2 Dec 2010

Opened 2 Dec 2010


The children's play area at Church Road, Teddington, is to receive an upgrade from Richmond Council, once neighbours and children on the local school council decide how they would like the site to look and what equipment they want. It is part of a £200,000 scheme to upgrade seven play areas across the borough.


A meeting was held at St Mary's and St Peter's Primary School on 2 December 2010 with children, Councillors and play manufacturer representatives. The children reviewed the design ideas and helped to formulate a design brief.

What happens next

The School Council agreed their final design for the playground in January 2011. Arrangements are being finalised and it is expected that work on the playgrounf will begin in summer 2011.



  • Residents
  • Carers
  • Children
  • Parents