Castelnau Gate Renovation Project

Closed 21 Sep 2010

Opened 20 Sep 2010


Consultation was carried out to give local residents and users of the Recreation Ground the opportunity to contribute to the designing of a new archway for the main recreation ground gates. Recent improvements to the park had been carried out with help from members of the local community centre, and to keep local residents involved two meetings were scheduled at the community centre with:

1) the junior community club (Mon 20 Sept, 3.15pm - 5.15pm)

2) the weekly community cafe (Tues 21 Sept, 9am - 11am).

We were keen to involve the junior community club as the recreation ground is mainly used as a playground.


The meetings were advertised through posters in the park and leaflets were sent to residents of properties directly adjacent to the gate.

What happens next

Between 25-30 people got involved in the consultation.

What has happened as a result?

The local blacksmith contracted to make the changes to the gate attended both meetings and took away various drawings and suggestions. A number of these were incorporated into the final design, including metal handprint and footprint shapes marked with the initial of the children from the junior community club who were involved in the consultation and the decorations on the top of the gateposts.


The designs were put on display in the recreation ground for a month with an invitation to comment before work began on the new archway.


Work is now due to begin and will be completed early 2011.



  • Residents
  • Children
  • Young people