Cargo Bike Survey - Richmond

Closed 12 Dec 2021

Opened 12 Nov 2021


Richmond Council is committed to supporting the growth of cargo bike use in the Borough amongst families, individuals and businesses. We would like to hear from anyone already using a cargo bike or curious about cargo bikes to inform our approach.

What is a cargo bike?

A cargo bike is, quite simply, a bicycle which has space to carry cargo or passengers– whether it’s children, shopping, tools, pets, or anything else.

There are many different types of cargo bikes (and trikes) available to suit a multitude of needs. Some models come with a battery-powered motor and these are known as eCargo bikes. The current market offers a variety of ways to incorporate cargo bikes in your travel needs whether through private ownership, renting or booking a cargo bike courier service to transport freight or people.

See the gallery of eCargo bikes already in the borough.

How would a cargo bike benefit me?

Cargo bikes are known to provide efficient, clean and cost-effective active transport solutions. Compared to a car or van, Cargo bikes are:

  • Efficient - With a narrow frame, cargo bike journeys are less prone to delays caused by congestion. You can also take advantage of the cycle lanes in the Borough to shorten your journey
  • Clean – With no NOX or CO2 emissions as you travel they enable you to do your bit to improve the air quality in your local area.  Cargo bike use can also be listed in response to ‘social value questions’ in an organisation’s procurement exercises as they have a positive effect on both the local and global environment
  • Cost-effective - There are no parking or fuel* costs (*other than the electricity charge for the battery of an e-cargo bike)
  • Active Transport - Using a cargo bike to get around incorporates regular exercise into your daily routine which benefits your mental and physical wellbeing (and may reduce the need for sick leave)..

Where can I try a cargo bike in Richmond?

The Council has partnered with Peddle My Wheels to make cargo bikes and e-cargo bikes more accessible to residents and businesses in the Borough. For more information, search their website for their Try Before You Bike Scheme

Have your say

Please give us your views by clicking on the online survey link below. If you need a paper copy of the questionnaire or another format please email



  • All Areas


  • Residents
  • Businesses
  • Carers
  • Community groups
  • Parents
  • Partners


  • Richmond Borough