Call for Sites 2020

Closed 5 Apr 2020

Opened 24 Feb 2020

Results updated 5 Nov 2020

Thank you to all those who gave us their views.

For the latest information on the Local Plan please go to


The Council is required by Government guidance to issue a call for sites and broad locations for development as part of the preparation of the new Local Plan. This is to identify as many potential opportunities as possible, aimed at as wide an audience as possible so that those not normally involved in property development have the opportunity to contribute. 

There is a call for sites and broad locations alongside the Local Plan consultation, so that we will have a better understanding, at this early stage in preparing the plan, what land may become available during the Local Plan period and understanding of deliverability. Please note that the ‘call for sites’ exercise does not mean that the Council will have to allocate the suggested sites for development, but the Council will be able to assess from a potentially large number of sites their suitability, availability and deliverability.

You are invited to put forward sites for consideration using the online form below by 5 April 2020.

Alternatively you may email

If you need the form in paper or any other format please contact the Planning Policy team at or on 020 8891 1411.



  • Open to all


  • Richmond Borough