Barefoot Consultation - Future of Stag Brewery and related areas

Closed 12 Nov 2010

Opened 4 Nov 2010


The Council is working to develop a planning brief with the aim of ensuring that any future redevelopment of the Stag Brewery site in Mortlake reflects the wishes of the local community whilst at the same time providing a commercially viable and deliverable scheme. A specialist firm has been appointed to provide some options indicating how the site and the immediate surroundings could be redeveloped.


We want to proceed openly and with the community in trying to secure the best outcome, which is why a three day 'Barefoot Consultation' was arranged for local people to have their say on the Council's Planning Brief.


Barefoot Consultation

The Council is currently rolling out a series of these consultations across the borough as a more effective way to properly connect with local people on big issues. The principle of Barefoot Consulting is that we hold as few preconceptions as possible and make it easy for people to tell us what they really think. 


A three day Barefoot Consultation was held at the Sheen Lane Centre at the following times:

- Thursday 4 November 2010, 6pm - 9pm

- Friday 5 November 2010, 4pm - 9pm

- Saturday 6 November 2010, 10am - 4pm.


The Barefoot Consultation is directed at the Brewery site and related areas such as Mortlake Village and High Street and this part of the riverside. The event offered the opportunity for local people to set out their ideas for the future of the site and wider issues.


The plans are set out in the Consultation Document below (under 'Background documents'), which were also on display at the Barefoot Consultation. The feedback form was available to download and return via post or complete online.


Public meeting

A public meeting was held at 7.30pm on Thursday 9 December 2010 at Sheen Lane Centre to discuss the ideas generated and the content of the Stag Brewery Planning Brief and any other issues.

What happens next

Barefoot Consultation

Four broad approaches were the subject of an exhibition held 4 - 6 November 2010. The favoured approach was the lower density, well designed housing schemes with community benefits that included:

- a primary school / community hub

- open space (including retention of existing playfields and creation of new open space links)

- leisure uses such as a museum, craft centre, cafe and community space and boat house

- small scale employment.


The alternative approach, which also included a new leisure destination, was less popular due to higher density housing required for viability and transport issues.


Public meeting - December 2010

The results of the Barefoot consultation were further confirmed at the public meeting on 9 December 2010 (attended by approximately 130 people), where potential heights of development and traffic were again raised as issues. The traffic and the need to provide adequate on-site parking in particular, were seen as key issues in relation to all the approaches. Although strategic leisure opportunities were not favoured, provision for local leisure activities was sought.

What has happened as a result?

The priorities from the consultation were included in the revised draft brief, which was agreed for consultation by Cabinet on 24 January 2011.



  • Residents
  • Community groups
  • Voluntary groups


  • Richmond Borough