Consultation on area-wide 20mph speed limits for Kew

Closed 28 Mar 2014

Opened 28 Feb 2014

Results updated 5 Aug 2014

Across the three areas (Whitton and Heathfield, Kew and Hampton Hill High Street) being consulted about 20mph limits a total of 5,114 responses were received (28% response rate). For Kew 1,912 responses were recived (27% response rate). Key results from the consultation include:

For the statement 'I support an area wide 20mph speed limit in my area:

  • for Kew 56% agreed and 40% disagreed


For the statement 'would you support a 20mph speed limit encompassing the whole borough:

  • across the three areas 33% agreed and 58% disagreed
  • for Kew 38% agreed and 53% disagreed


The results are currently being considered by the Cabinet Member for Highways and Street Scene. A report with reccomendations and next steps will go to Cabinet in the next few months. 



The Council is consulting local residents and businesses on the potential introduction of 20mph speed limits covering the Kew area. If you live or work in the area have your say by completing the online questionnaire below by Friday 28 March 2014.

There is currently considerable national and regional discussion on the subject of 20mph speed limits and 20mph speed zones. The difference between 20mph speed limits and a 20mph speed zones is that:

  • A 20mph speed limit scheme seeks to reduce speeds by the use of signage, indicating to motorists that they are entering or exiting an area with a different speed limit and relies on respect by motorists rather than Police enforcement.
  • A 20mph speed zone incorporates ‘traffic calming features’ such as road humps, etc.

A decision was taken by the Council in a meeting of the Cabinet on the 12 December 2013 to consult the residents in three areas (Whitton/Heathfield, Kew and Hampton Hill High Street) to gauge their views about 20mph speed limits.

Some research suggests that lower speed limits will lead to fewer accidents and where an accident does occur the severity will be less. However, some people may consider it inappropriate, particularly if there is not a history of road accidents.

A 20mph speed limit scheme does have an impact in terms of street scene.  These schemes require entry and often repeater signs and as a rule of thumb the smaller the area the more signs per unit area required.  An area-wide scheme requires fewer signs, but will still require regular repeater signs installed on existing posts. The density of signs increases where any roads in the area are omitted.

Why your views matter

The Council is consulting residents in two areas (Whitton/Heathfiled and Kew) to better understand the level of support in the borough for area-wide 20 mph speed limits. These areas were chosen due to their natural boundaries with the A316, the Hounslow borders and the river. The precise boundaries of both areas are shown on the attached plan. The consultation for Hampton / Hampton Hill High Street concentrates on the High Street.

The results of this initial consultation will be considered by the Cabinet Member for Highways and Street Scene. It will enable a decision to be made about whether an area wide pilot of 20mph speed limits should be taken forward in Kew. Any scheme put forward by the Council would include a further consultation.

If you require any further information or clarification please contact Lisa Fenn on or you can call the Contact Centre on 020 8891 1411. We look forward to hearing your views and thank you for taking the time to get involved.



  • Residents
  • Businesses


  • Richmond Borough