Richmond Draft Air Quality Action Plan Consultation

Closes 20 Jan 2025

Your details

Would you be happy for the Council to contact you in relation to the Air Quality Action Plan?

Your details will only be used to contact you regarding your response and not for any other purpose


If yes, please give your contact details below.

About you

The following optional questions will help the Council to improve its services and be fair to everyone who lives in the borough. The information you provide will be used for statistical and research purposes only and will be stored securely. If there are any questions you do not wish to answer, please move on to the next question.

The Council asks Equality Monitoring questions at the end of all of our public consultations. It might not seem obvious why they’re relevant to each individual consultation, but we need to be sure that we’re being fair, and considering the impacts of any possible changes on any groups with protected characteristics. The Council is required to do this under Equalities legislation.

Why do we ask the 'About you' questions?

The questions help us to:

  • identify residents’ needs and whether the services we provide are right for them
  • be better positioned to know whether we are providing fair and equal access to all groups of people who need our services
  • identify how we can improve services to make them more accessible and inclusive
  • understand who is or is not responding to our consultations

The questions are optional – if respondents don’t feel comfortable providing this information they are under no obligation to do so. All monitoring data is classed as personal data and is treated as confidential, in line with Data Protection requirements.

There is a helpful guide by Stonewall on this issue called ‘What’s it got to do with you?’ which you can read by clicking here.

What is your sex? 
Is the gender you identify with the same as your sex registered at birth? 
What was your age last birthday?
Do you consider yourself to have a disability?
What is your ethnic group? 
Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation? 
What is your religion?