All in One Business Survey 2011

Closed 28 Feb 2011

Opened 10 Jan 2011


This survey was carried out to help us further understand business needs in the context of local communities. It has been designed to complement the 'All in One' survey sent to every household and give us a more comprehensive picture of local business needs.


Why are we doing this?

Businesses are an important part of the fabric of their communities, providing employment and services, whilst contributing to the very character of the places they trade from. They may often have a perspective on their local communities that comes from a different angle to other stakeholders. Capturing this knowledge is important if the Council wants to be able to respond to business and community needs.


What will happen with the information?

The information will be used by Council services and partner organisations to inform services. It will also contribute to the development of local community plans that will help to maintain the character and vitality of our neighbourhoods.

Start date: 10 January 2011

What happens next

237 borough businesses completed the survey, providing a healthy estimated return rate of just below 10%. Respondents were largely owner managed businesses, reflecting significant characteristics of the borough's businesses. Broadly, businesses say they feel satisfied with the local area as a place to do business - nearly three quarters agree. The results and findings are available in the Summary Report below.

What has happened as a result?

The survey results will form part of the upcoming All in One events around the borough and will also inform the planning of Council services over coming months.



  • Businesses


  • Richmond Borough