Woodlands Management Plan Consultation

Closed 12 Nov 2014

Opened 15 Oct 2014

Results updated 9 Jan 2015

Between 15th October and 12th November 2014 we conducted a consultation on 9 woodland management plans in order to seek the views of local stakeholders and interest groups. The woodland management plans were shared directly with interest groups and also online via the Richmond Consultation Finder. We received 26 responses to our online consultation including emails of support from the Royal Parks and Natural England.

 The overall response shows that 75% of respondents were happy with the woodland management plan for Richmond as a whole. For the areas of Ham Common Woods and Ham Lands North we had several queries around the new rides and creating glades, which are proposed for the years 6 – 10 and do not have any funding attached to them. Once we have completed years 1 – 5 we will reassess the woodlands and see if these aspects are still required.

The works have gone ahead as planned and will take place during the winter.

We are currently incorporating the views from this consultation (of local stakeholders and interest groups) into the individual site management plans and they will be available on the Council website from the end of January. These management plans will be updated annually and we are happy to consider any comments submitted. Please email parks&trees@richmond.gov.uk or write to the Parks Department, London Borough of Richmond upon Thames, Civic Centre, 44 York Street, Twickenham, Middlesex, TW1 3BZ



The Council has been successful in obtaining a Woodland Improvement grant from the Forestry Commission for restoring named woodlands within the borough back to an excellent woodland condition.

The works will be undertaken over a 5 year period starting from the autumn 2014. In order to inform and direct these works, the Council is required to produce a Woodland Management Plan.  The plan needs to follow the Forestry Commussion template as per the document attached below.

The sites included within the grant are

  • Areas of Barnes Common
  • Areas of Crane Park
  • Beveree Wildlife Site
  • East Sheen Common
  • Petersham Common
  • Leg o' Mutton
  • Ham Common Woods
  • Areas of Ham Lands


Therefore the Council is consulting on the Woodland Management Plan for each site. These are are also attached below along with a summary.  Please complete the short survey making reference to the specific Woodland Management Plan of interest.



  • Open to all