Suffolk Road Recreation Ground Improvements

Closed 2 Oct 2015

Opened 11 Sep 2015

Results updated 5 Jan 2016

As part our ongoing commitment to improve the borough’s Parks & Open Space & following a successful consultation in autumn 2015 Richmond Council are pleased to announce that we will be creating a new play area within Suffolk Road in 2016 as well as other environmental improvements such as planting a wildflower meadow, new trees and park furniture.  A dog exercise area and sensory garden are also proposed for the future.  A breakdown of results is as follows:


The next step is to create a formal Friends of Suffolk Road who will officially liaise with the Council on design, content and layout of the space, for more information on how to get involved in the Friends Group contact        

Thank you to all of those that took part in our consultation and those who assisted in leafleting and raising awareness of the consultation.   


For further information or 0208 8911141 and to view the full consultation report see the attachment below.





Further to interest from local residents and a newly formed ‘Friends Group’ The Parks Team would like to explore potential improvements to the facilities at Suffolk Road Recreation Ground

Suffolk Road Recreation Ground is a fenced, green space located in a residential area. It consists of a large grass area, with a surface suitable for ball games and a popular site for dog walkers. The Parks Team has been engaging with local residents and a newly formed ‘Friends Group’ to explore potential improvements, such as the addition of natural play equipment, enclosed dog training area and sensory gardens.

We do not have a detailed design at this stage as we are firstly trying to ascertain if the introduction of additional facilities in this space would be welcomed by residents and users. Our vision would be for predominately natural play equipment installed on grass with grass mat as safety surfacing as opposed to a more formal traditional play area which would have wet pour safety surfacing and traditional play equipment. However, this is all subject to consultation and feedback from our initial proposal.

If supported we would work up a more detailed design in order to further engage and consult with local residents and children in order to ensure that any new play area is suitable to the space and needs of the area.



  • Residents
  • Children
  • Parents
  • Service users
  • Young people