Name the new secondary school for Twickenham

Closed 10 Sep 2015

Opened 6 Jul 2015

Results updated 16 Nov 2015

Following over 100 submissions from residents and young people on a possible name for the new secondary school in Twickenham, a name has been chosen… The Richmond upon Thames School (RTS).

 Over 100 people sent in their ideas, many inspired by local well-known residents of the digital and sporting focus of the school.  However, the most popular submissions were based around geographical location - with a numbe of people suggesting the 'Richmond upon Thames School'.

The School's Trust, made up of members from Richmond upon Thames College, Harlequins, Hapymarket Media Group, Waldegrave School, Achieving for Children and Richmond Council, reviewed all the submissions and felt this name was the best fit.

Moving forward, Haymarket Media Group will work with young people at Richmond upon Thames College to design the branding for the school.

Please view the press release for further details.


Name the new secondary school for Twickenham

As part of the redevelopment of Richmond upon Thames College on Egerton Road in Twickenham, a secondary school will form a key part of a new Education and Enterprise Campus. The school will open in September 2017 and will be co-educational, non-selective and non-faith based, admitting five forms of entry (150 children) per year.

The school will be run by a Free School Trust, made up of members from Richmond upon Thames College, Harlequins, Haymarket Media Group, Waldegrave School, Achieving for Children and Richmond Council.

Enterprise will play a key part in the school’s curriculum. Students will benefit from a programme of visiting lecturers, seminars and workshops organised and delivered by members of the Trust, their clients and partners.

The use of digital technologies will be commonplace and young people will be equipped with the skills to operate confidently and efficiently in a connected world. The school’s links with Harlequins and the College will also provide pupils with access to a very wide range of exercise, fitness and sporting activities, events and facilities.

Over the next few months, work will focus on the physical look and feel of the school building and facilities. The Trust will look to engage with residents and the community throughout this process. The first stage of this engagement will aid the Trust in choosing a name for the school. The name of the school will be very important, giving the school an identity – both in relation to where it is located, but also in terms of its vision and objectives.

Over the next two months, we are asking residents, especially children and young people, to submit their suggestions on what the school could be called and why. All suggestions will be presented to the Trustees who will decide on the final name.



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  • Richmond Borough