Richmond upon Thames Inclusive Sport and Exercise Consultation 2013

Closed 30 Aug 2013

Opened 5 Jun 2013

Results updated 28 Mar 2014

This is the third RISE consultation that the Sports Development Team has carried out. On completion of the first consultation in 2008, we responded to points that came out of the survey to develop inclusive and disability activities in the borough. In 2011 we ran a second consultation to support the evolution of our plan and delivery, lead by demand and feedback from individuals and groups to make sure that the activities developed and offered are meeting the demand. 2013 marked 5 years since the start of RISE, so we felt it was an appropriate point to run another consultation to evaluate what has gone on and develop some new activities.

The response rate for this consultation was disappointing although it provided valuable insight in to the activities that people wanted to take part in and that we will focus on developing.


Richmond Council's Sports Development Team developed RISE (Richmond upon Thames Inclusive Sport and Exercise) in conjunction with the Three Wings Trust in 2008. RISE aims to highlight the wide range of inclusive and disability-specific sports available in the borough. 

The Sports Development Team consulted with adults, young people and parents and carers of children with disabilities in the borough to find out about their participation in sporting activities. The research was carried out to find out about the activities people are currently participating in, what they would like to participate in in the future and associated information in order to form the development of the forward plan which will help inform the future of inclusive and disability sports.   

Details of the consultation and how to respond were sent out to those that had previously attended or enquired about a RISE event or activity and all regular participants and their parents/carers. Details were also distributed through the Richmond Aid newsletter, Access Information Service and Three Wings Trust. Consultation documents and information were also available online, at the RISE event on 18 May and at several disability events that staff attended.



  • Residents
  • Carers
  • Children
  • Community groups
  • Parents
  • People with disabilities
  • Service users
  • Staff
  • Voluntary groups
  • Young people


  • Richmond Borough