Richmond Business Survey 2015

Closed 20 Jul 2015

Opened 28 Jun 2015

Results updated 1 Feb 2016



Richmond upon Thames is a great place to do business.  We can boast some of London’s best business survival rates and one of the lowest bankruptcy rates in the country.  However, we can’t be complacent about this and we don’t want to make assumptions about the challenges businesses like yours face or the support you need.  This is why we occasionally undertake business surveys. 

Taking part in this survey gives you a chance to express your views – whatever your size or sector - providing information that can influence what we do every day.  For instance, data from this survey could help shape our support for business start-up and growth or identify issues that we’ve previously been unaware of but should be considering.  By taking part you also get first access to the findings, helping you see how your business compares to others. 

We’re working with independent research company DJS Research to provide this survey, ensuring that we gain a robust, independent perspective on the local business environment. DJS are engaging businesses by phone – you may get a call!  If you don’t but would like to, just let us know. There is also the opportunity to complete the survey yourself online. 

Alternatively, we’re also seeking businesses that would like to take part in a more in-depth telephone interview - please let us know if you’re interested in sharing your views in this way.

To register your interest in taking part in the survey by phone, please email

To take part online please use the online survey link below.





  • Businesses


  • Richmond Borough