Public consultation: Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment for Richmond

Closed 24 Dec 2014

Opened 22 Oct 2014

Results updated 1 May 2015

Thank you for participating in the Public consultation for the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment for Richmond.

Results to this consultation have been considered in the final version of the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment attached below.

The Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment is a statement of needs of the population for pharmaceutical services in the Richmond Health and Wellbeing Board area. It will be used by NHS England in assessing new applications to provide pharmaceutical services and inform commissioning by Richmond Council and CCG.




Richmond Health and Wellbeing Board is under a statutory obligation to draft, consult upon and publish a pharmaceutical needs assessment (PNA) in accordance with the National Health Service (Pharmaceutical and Local Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations 2013.  The PNA is designed to assess the current provision of pharmaceutical services, have regard to any specified future circumstance where the current position may materially change and identify any current and future gaps in pharmaceutical services.  The PNA assists NHS England in determining market entry applications by pharmacists for new, additional or relocated premises, hours or pharmaceutical services.

There may be services commissioned by the Local Authority or Clinical Commissioning Group that, whilst not being statutory pharmaceutical services, inform the conclusions reached in this process and may assist those organisations in considering their commissioning intentions of other local services from pharmacies.

We are now conducting a public consultation to seek your views on whether you agree with the contents of this draft PNA and whether it addresses issues that you consider relevant to the provision of pharmaceutical services. The feedback gathered in the consultation will be reported and reflected in the final revised PNA report.

To facilitate this we have uploaded the draft PNA below (Richmond Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment v13.4). To allow comment and feedback there is also a short online survey to complete.   Richmond Council has used this method of consultation to reduce the amount of paper sent out and limit the environmental impact. However, if you require a paper version of the PNA please contact  Sarah Turtle email: or by post: Richmond Council PNA consultation, c/o Primary Care Commissioning, Manor Road, LEEDS, LS11 9AH. A copy will be sent to you within 14 days. (Primary Care Commissioning is supporting Richmond Council with developing the PNA)

The consultation will run until 24th December 2014.

Once published the PNA will be a tool for commissioners, providers and users of pharmaceutical services and will be updated at least every three years. We will consider all feedback and publish the final PNA by 1st April 2015.


Yours faithfully,


Dagmar Zeuner

Director of Public Health

On behalf of Richmond Health and Wellbeing Board




  • Open to all


  • Richmond Borough