Hospital Bridge Road junction Powder Mill Lane and Percy Road, Whitton Proposed junction changes

Closed 21 Nov 2014

Opened 27 Oct 2014

Results updated 30 Jan 2015

This consultation has now closed. 

Thank you for taking part in this consultation, there were 618 responses in total. The majority of respondents did so via paper questionnaires as 2300 letters and paper questionnaires were delivered to the local area. We also had a number of online responses.

A summary of the results is as follows:

  • 93% of respondents agreed with the proposed changes to the junction with 66% of those strongly agreeing. 3% disagreed.
  • 90% of respondents agreed that the proposed changes would improve traffic flow. 5% disagreed.
  • 77% respondents agreed with the proposed right turn ban out of Percy Road. 12% disagreed.
  • 77% agreed that the proposed changes would benefit pedestrians. 4% disagreed.


A number of comments were also received and these are currently being considered along with the results prior to making a decision on the final scheme design.


Following a number of complaints in recent years, a review of the existing road layout has been undertaken. One of the key issues raised is that right turning traffic from Powder Mill Lane (PML) into Hospital Bridge Rd (HBR) (towards the A316) blocks traffic travelling ahead into Percy Road. This results in excessive queuing on Powder Mill lane during peak hours. A further issue is that of narrow traffic lanes approaching the signals from the A316.

In the last three years, there have also been five reported pedestrian accidents at the junction.

In light of the above, the following changes are proposed and are numbered on the plan:

  1. Removal of the triangular island on Powder Mill Lane and provision of a straight across crossing further back into the junction. Removing the island allows greater room for vehicles to undertake right turning traffic.
  2. Changes to the pedestrian island on the northern arm of HBR in addition to an extended pavement on the corner of PML and HBR. 
  3. A banned right turn out of Percy Road to allow for the provision of a right turn marking in the junction for vehicles exiting PML. Traffic counts show that very few vehicles make this manoeuvre.
  4. Removal of the railings from the staggered island on the HBR southern arm to allow for a reduced width island and additional room for the two traffic lanes.  Railings will remain/be provided on the footways to guide pedestrians in the right direction.  
  5. Removal of the paved footpath on the corner of HBR with PML and replacement with grass verge, allowing for removal of the post and rail fencing. The pathway across the grass will be widened to provide a direct link between the two crossing points on HBR and PML.


Other proposals include the provision of pedestrian countdown at the signals to tell pedestrians how long they have to complete the crossing once the green man disappears in addition, there will be minor changes to the signal timings to ensure that the junction operates as efficiently as it can.

Due to the extent of the works and the impact on the signals and pedestrian facilities during construction, works will be undertaken in the Summer Holidays 2015. The scheme will be funded from a combination of Transport for London funding and local developer contributions for transport improvements.

Your comments are welcome and can be made by completing the online consultation below or by completing the the paper questionnaire you would have already received  and returning in the prepaid envelope provided.  Deadline for receiving questionnaires is  Friday 21st November when the consultation closes.

Please contact Lisa Fenn on the above number if you require any clarification or further information prior to making your comments.




  • Residents
  • Businesses


  • Richmond Borough