Review of Polling Stations 2013

Closed 8 Nov 2013

Opened 1 Oct 2013

Results updated 1 May 2014

The results of the review were considered by the full Council and all recommendations for change were implemented for the new Register of Electors published on 17 February 2014.

View the full results report here.


Between 1 October and 8 November 2013 we conducted a formal review of our polling districts and polling stations, to help us ensure that all electors in each of the borough’s 53 polling districts have reasonable and accessible facilities for voting.

Residents were asked if they were satisfied with their local polling station and were given the opportunity to contribute their views on any changes they would like to see to improve voting facilities.

Richmond Council regularly assesses its polling stations for suitability and accessibility, and we survey large numbers of electors at every election. The average satisfaction with local polling station venues has been 98-99% since 2001.



  • Residents


  • Richmond Borough