Richmond and Kingston Childcare Sufficiency Assessment 2015 – Parent/ Carer Survey

Closed 30 Nov 2015

Opened 15 Jun 2015


The Childcare Act 2006 places a duty on English local authorities to improve outcomes for children and young people, secure sufficient childcare and provide information about the various forms of childcare available to them.

Councils are required to undertake an annual Childcare Sufficiency Assessment (CSA) in order to identify gaps in the childcare offer, so that a plan can be produced with an outline of how to support the local market and ensure sufficient childcare provision.

The CSA focuses on formal registered and unregistered childcare provision wherever possible, and involves childcare for childen aged 0 to 14, and up to 18 for children with disabilities and/or special educational needs.

Childcare sufficiency is more than just making sure there is ‘enough’ childcare. It is also about:

  • Making sure that childcare is available, accessible and affordable so parents have the opportunity to use childcare in their area.
  • Making sure childcare is of good quality so that it benefits the child.
  • Providing parents with a choice of childcare so they can choose the childcare that meets their needs.


Achieving For Children provides children's services on behalf of Richmond and Kingston Councils and is currently talking to parents, carers, childcare providers and employers, to collect information for both boroughs:

  • To take into account the impact of any changes in Government policy including amendments to the welfare benefits system, the expansion of Early Education Funding Entitlement (EEF) for eligible 2 year olds and the revised Code of Practice for funded 2, 3 & 4 year olds.
  • To gauge the amount, quality and accessibility of childcare in the borough.


The information will be used to update the plans for childcare provision in Richmond and Kingston so that it is sufficient, flexible and meets the unique needs of families.

As a parent or carer your views are important for shaping the plans and we invite you to have your say by completing and submitting this questionnaire by 30 November 2015 when the survey closes.

If you would like a paper version of the questionnaire or have any queries about the survey, the CSA, childcare or other children's services in Richmond or Kingston, please contact either Natasha Garthwaite for Kingston using the contact details above or Anita Board for Richmond by telephone on 020 8831 6370 or email at



  • Open to all


  • Richmond Borough