Memorial Services Survey

Closed 31 Jul 2008

Opened 1 Feb 2008


The survey was conducted to see if the content of the Memorial Services were as people would like them. The first service was carried out in 2001 and there are now two services per year in the Chapels at Twickenham, Teddington and East Sheen cemeteries.


355 surveys were sent out.




Of the 355 surveys that were sent out, 116 were completed and returned.


Almost half of the people who replied have been visiting the cemeteries for over 15 years. 89% of our customers were already aware of the Memorial Services and over 30% had attended between five and ten services previously.


All the people who responded said that that would attend again.


The majority of people (78%) would like the services to be held on Sundays and a time of 11am of 2.30pm was the most popular. 81% of the replies agreed that the collections should still be divided between the existing choices of charity (Shooting Star Hospice, Princess Alice Hospice and the Stillborn and Neonatal Death Society); 75% of people thought the length of each service was just right and 84% thought they were suitable for people of all faiths.


Of the people who responded to the survey, the majority liked the fact that the names were read out during the service, and the lighting of the candles also proved to be extremely popular. Most of the people who responded to the survey thought the previous services were very good or excellent.


These are some of the comments we received:

'I don't know of any other cemeteries doing this - please keep it an annual event'

'East sheen is well kept with kind caring staff - thanks to you all for the work you do'

'I wish I had known about them years ago'

'The Ministers are always caring, considerate, and full of humanity'

'Ministers are truly inspiring'

'Very comforting and well done - full of admiration and praise'

'My husband was buried in 1987 – I have never regretted making the choice to use East Sheen'

' I don't go to church but this is perfect'.



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