Local Development Framework - Core Strategy

Closed 1 May 2008

Opened 20 Mar 2008


The Core Strategy is a Development Plan Document (DPD) which is part of the Local Development Framework (LDF). It is the strategic policy document, which will determine the future planning policy for the Borough. It outlines the Vision, Spatial Strategy and 20 Core Planning Policies on topics such as climate change, housing, employment and retailing.


The submission consultation was the last stage for the community to comment on the Core Strategy, when it was submitted to an independent Inspector.  This followed earlier rounds of consultation at the' Issues and Options' and 'Preferred Options' stages.




The Core Strategy was submitted to the Government on 20 March 2008. The Inspector has reported on the Examination into the Core Strategy. Her overall conclusion is that the Core Strategy is sound. 


The Core Strategy was adopted on 21 April 2009, following recommendation by Cabinet on 23 March 2009 and full Council on 21 April 2009.



  • Service users


  • Richmond Borough