Kerbside Recycling service - campaign and doorstepping

Closed 19 Dec 2008

Opened 21 Oct 2008

Results updated 7 Aug 2013

Doorstepping campaign
11,463 properties were doorstepped. Overall, the recycling advisers made 15,261 visits and contacted 4,610 residents (a contact rate of 40%). 
94% of the residents contacted were aware of the service change to introduce the blue box for paper and cardboard.
Of the 185 residents who did not recycle, the most common reason for not participating was because they used other facilities (99 responses), followed by 'cannot be bothered' (26 responses).
21 roadshows were delivered in areas of high foot fall in Richmond, mostly near libraries and also near major supermarkets and a farmers market.
The recycling advisers took a total of 217 orders for the different recycling boxes from both exercises. Full results are available in the below report, which includes other general feedback received about the service.



Richmond Council commissioned Waste Watch to undertake a doorstepping campaign and a series of roadshows between October - December 2008 to support improvements to the kerbside recycling service.
The campaign aimed to:
- inform residents about the introduction of blue boxes to collect paper and cardboard separately and ensure that service changes were understood, received well and improving Richmond's recycling rate
- promote the recycling service in areas where participation was lower and identify any barriers to recycling.
The campaign was undertaken over ten weeks. Recycling advisers were recruited to the project and trained. Roadshows were held and doorstepping took place between Tuesdays - Saturdays, from late morning to early evenings. 



  • Residents


  • Richmond Borough