Consultation on the Draft Health and Wellbeing Board Strategy 2016-2021

Closed 21 Jan 2016

Opened 2 Dec 2015

Results updated 17 Mar 2016

Following consultation, the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JHWBS) was approved by Cabinet. It can be downloaded at

The Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) is currently reviewing its engagement framework, and will continue to host Listening Events to shape its work. The JHWBS will be launched at the HWB public meeting on 16th March 2016. The JHWBS is a five year framework as well as it shaping future commissioning and action plans of the Council, CCG and partners, further work is being done to plan how and when the HWB, as a board, will address each of the initiatives. The HWB will use the launch to further engage on these priorities and which should form the focus for 2016/17.

The consultation report, including actions taken in response to comments, can be found below.



The Richmond Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) have a duty to produce a Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JHWBS). The board’s first Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (2013-16) focused on the integration of health and social care services, identifying priority areas where improvements could be made through partnerships.

The board is in the process of developing its second JHWBS for 2016-2021. This refreshed strategy will continue to work towards the HWB’s shared vision for health and wellbeing in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames:

“All people in Richmond are able to achieve their full potential, live their lives with confidence and resilience, and access quality services that promote independence and deliver value for money”

To underpin this work, the board have agreed a strategic theme for the JHWBS 2016-2021:

‘Prevention and joined-up services across the life course, to enable all residents to start well, live well and age well’.

This refreshed strategy aims to be a tool that will enable the HWB to champion key principles and initiatives, and provide a framework for other strategies and commissioning plans across health and social care in Richmond.

Developing the Strategy

To develop this strategy the board engaged in a ‘learning by doing’ process, participating in facilitated seminars with a range of local stakeholders to draw out themes and priorities. This included:

  • Review of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) including ‘The Richmond Story 2015-16’.
  • Engagement in two HWB ‘Listening Events’ in which the board invited members of the public and local organisations to share their views about local health and wellbeing. These were on the themes of ‘Healthy Lifestyles’ and ‘Health and Wellbeing for Children and Young People’.
  • A review of the results of previous engagement activities to identify relevant themes, including a thematic review of the rich engagement work undertaken over the past 18 months to inform Richmond CCG and Richmond Council’s new outcomes based approach to commissioning.  
  • A series of strategy working groups with HWB members and key council and CCG officers.


Have Your Say

Richmond HWB recognises the value of involving our community and local stakeholders in shaping decisions about health and social care and the services they receive.

The results of the activities listed here have informed the development of this draft JHWBS 2016-2021. We are now keen to receive your feedback to inform the next stage of the formation of the strategy.

We are keen to hear your views on:

  • The role of the HWB and the purpose of the strategy
  • The proposed direction of the Board’s work for the next five years
  • The style and format of the strategy document 

Please read the draft strategy at the link below and give us your views using the online survey.

The outcomes of this consultation will inform the final Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2016-2021, scheduled for publication in spring 2016.



  • Open to all


  • Richmond Borough