London Borough of Richmond upon Thames’s Draft Housing Strategy 2013-17 consultation

Closed 8 Nov 2013

Opened 14 Oct 2013

Results updated 7 May 2014

The Strategy was revised in light of consultation feedback - to reflect good work already underway
of relevance to the Strategy, to link to policy and strategy documents, to respond to feedback on local
residents’ aspirations and to clarify links within the document.
Specific examples include:
  • A section being added, highlighting anti-housing fraud work underway (in partnership with the Royal Borough of Kingston)
  • Numerous amendments being made to the fifth theme (The connectivity of housing to people and place; housing’s contribution to health, wellbeing and the economy) to reflect existing and planned connections with health services
  • Added to the Strategy: a commitment to ensure that covered cycle parking spaces be considered where possible when commissioning new affordable housing developments



London Borough of Richmond upon Thames Housing Strategy sets out the Borough’s plans for housing for the period 2013-2017.  The Council’s previous housing strategy ended in 2012.  Over the last few years there has been a significant amount of change to national housing policy coupled with a radical welfare reform agenda. This has had major implications for both residents, and housing associations.   ·

All local authorities have a number of legal and strategic functions around housing.  The development of a new housing strategy allows the Council to outline its position with regard to these in a cohesive manner.           

The draft Housing Strategy is organised into five themes:

  1. Good quality homes within historic & green spaces
  2. Supporting residents; delivering affordable homes
  3. Supporting residents; addressing housing market pressures & homelessness
  4. Supporting residents; choice, standards and quality for renters  
  5. The connectivity of housing to people and place; housing contributions to health, wellbeing and the economy

We are keen to hear your views on the draft Housing Strategy and invite you to complete and submit the questionnaire by Friday 8th November 2013 when the consultation closes.

Please look at background documents for further detail before completing the questionnaire. We have provided the full draft strategy and also a plain English version.

If you would like more information please contact  the Corporate Partnership and Policy (Housing) team or call 08456 122660.

Thank you for taking the time to be involved.





  • Residents
  • Community groups
  • Service users
  • Voluntary groups


  • Richmond Borough