Designation / Extension of Conservation Area - Kew

Closed 26 Jun 2015

Opened 26 May 2015

Results updated 6 Aug 2015

The results to this consultation are currently being collated by the relevant service and will be published shortly.


Public consultation on proposed extension of the Kew Gardens Conservation Area

The Council is proposing to extend the boundary of the Kew Gardens Conservation Area under the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. The proposed extension includes this property.  As part of this process, the Council is seeking views of all owners and/or occupiers.  If applicable I would be grateful if you could draw this letter to the attention of the owner of the property.

 In brief, the implications of Conservation Area designation are as follows;

  • Conservation Area Consent will be required for the demolition of most buildings and structures (including walls)
  • Works to trees above a certain size will require permission
  • New development will be required to preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the Conservation Area
  • Certain alterations and additions to single family dwelling houses that are visible to public views will require permission

 An information leaflet containing further details about Conservation Area status is available on our website at

If you would like a hard copy of the document sent to you, please feel free to contact the Business Support Team.

We would welcome any comments by completing the on-line questionnaire by the 26th June 2015 when the consultation closes. Your comments will be considered when undertaking the final assessment.



  • Residents


  • Richmond Borough