Customer Satisfaction - Street Cleansing, June 2008

Closed 30 Jun 2008

Opened 1 Jun 2008


There are approximately 67 reported cases of Street Cleansing issues every month. 50 customers who had reported issues with Street Cleansing were surveyed. 15 of these cases logged were from areas of relative disadvantage. Customers were asked to rate their level of satisfaction using a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being Excellent. 4 being Good, 3 being Average, 2 being Below Average and 1 being Poor). The customers were selected from the CRM system and equalities monitoring data was also collated.


The survey was designed to measure customer satisfaction in the following areas:

1. The service provided by the Customer Service Adviser

2. How the enquiry was resolved

3. Communication preferences for reporting faults



  • Residents


  • Richmond Borough