Customer Satisfaction - Street cleansing and fly tipping, June 2008

Closed 30 Jun 2008

Opened 1 Jun 2008


100 customers were surveyed to measure their opinion with the current Council standards for street cleansing services. 50 customers from areas of relative disadvantage and 50 from areas of non disadvantage were surveyed. They were selected at random from the CRM system and had not reported any street cleansing issues. Equalities monitoring data was also collated.


Customers were asked to rate their level of satisfaction using a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being Excellent, 4 being Good, 3 being Average, 2 being Below Average and 1 being Poor).


The survey measures customer opinion in the following areas:

1. Council standards for street cleansing

2. Awareness of Council's street cleansing service

3. Communication preferences for reporting street cleansing incidents



  • Residents


  • Richmond Borough