Business Start-up Survey

Closed 20 Jul 2015

Opened 27 Apr 2015

Results updated 13 Nov 2015

Indicative findings from the business startup survey suggest:

  • Finding or managing time to ‘do’ business start up properly is a major challenge. Over a third of respondents said this was a barrier.
  • A similar number said that finding places to hold meetings or do work is also a barrier to progress.
  • Accessing funding and finance, making the right connections and undertaking effective sales and marketing were all identified as significant challenges.  
  • Many respondents referred to a need for greater confidence to take their plans forward.


What happens next?

The full results from our surveys will be available later in the year and will inform our future work to support businesses and develop the economy.



Our borough is a hive of entrepreneurial activity with one of the highest levels of self-employment anywhere in the country. We want to ensure that those thinking of starting a business, or those in the early stages of starting up, can access the right support to give the best chance of success.

To do this, we need to make sure we know about the kind of support these businesses might need. This short survey will take a few minutes of your time.  By taking part, you will be helping to inform future provision of support.

It also includes an invitation to contribute further, potentially through face-to-face or group research. This would provide you with the chance to explore your business start-up needs further while helping to inform our future provision. This survey complements a wider business survey which will be carried out early in the summer.



  • Open to all


  • Richmond Borough