Consultation on proposed greening in Broad Street, Teddington

Closed 31 Aug 2023

Opened 3 Jul 2023

Results updated 21 May 2024

Following the consultation which yielded positive support for the scheme, there is some underground investigatory work being planned and which will be done in relation to the sustainable urban drainage solutions proposed (i.e. raingardens) in the plans. Once these have been done and the results analysed, the construction drawings can be finalised and the work programmed into the Council’s works schedule with construction of the scheme likely to start in the autumn.


Please note: the closing date for this consultation has now been extended to 31st August 2023.

Richmond Council wants the environment of its town and district centres to be attractive to both residents and visitors. We want people to enjoy spending more time in these centres by making them greener and with more space for pedestrians; this would also help traders and the local economy. 

The Council has identified some local centres for investment and is providing funding through a Public Realm Improvement Fund (PRIF) programme. One of these centres is Broad Street Teddington, where we would like to make improvements to the character and appearance of the street to enhance the experience for residents and visitors. 

The Council has commissioned specialist urban designers Metropolitan Workshop to create proposals for Broad Street. There are opportunities for short term (Phase 1) and long term (Phase 2) improvements.

We would now like to share the initial proposals with you and ask for your views.

The consultation document here sets out the proposed Phase 1 ideas for Broad Street, focusing initially on ‘urban greening’. The ideas have been developed in collaboration with stakeholders, whose local knowledge, enthusiasm and support will help to secure the long term future of the street.

Have your say

Please give us youur views by clicking on the 'Online survey' link below.

If you require any materials on paper or in another format please contact us on 020 8891 1411 or email

What happens next

All feedback will be fully considered before any decisions are made about whether to progress with Phase 1 proposals. There will be further public engagement around Phase 2 proposals once these have been developed.


  • Teddington


  • Open to all


  • Richmond Borough