Annual Residents' Survey 2013

Closed 27 Oct 2013

Opened 13 Sep 2013

Results updated 28 Mar 2014

The results of the 2013 survey showed that Richmond residents are very happy with their area as a place to live. Residents' satisfaction with the Council and its services is generally high, especially when compared to other Councils in London and across the country.

Tha Council aims to improve further wherever possible and information from the survey is helping teams across the Council to make the services they provide even better for residents of the borough.

 You can read the full results in the report below.



In September 2013 Richmond Council commissioned an independent research agency to conduct a telephone survey to find out how residents feel about their local area, the Council and the services they receive.

This is an annual survey following on from the larger All in One survey in 2010 which the Council sent to every household to find out about residents’ priorities for their local area.

The results of the Residents’ Survey are used to inform the decisions the Council makes on setting priorities, delivering services and communicating with residents.

What happens next

The next annual residents' survey is due to be carried out in Autumn 2014. Details will be available on the Council website




  • Residents