Annual Public Health Report (APHR)

Closed 24 Feb 2014

Opened 21 Jan 2014


Publication of an Annual Public Health Report (APHR) is a new statutory duty of local authorities which was introduced by the Health and Social Care Act (2012). The APHR provides information on topics of local interest in order to inform commissioning and service planning; it compliments and builds upon information presented in the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment. The APHR has been developed in collaboration with a wide range of partners. This year’s APHR includes four chapters: early years, dementia, multi-morbidity and the environment. Each chapter summarises a number of key messages.


This survey is being conducted to understand your views and opinions on the report to ensure that the best report possible is provided in future years. Please spare a few minutes to complete the survey; your time and responses are very much appreciated.  


There is a copy of the Richmond Annual Public Health Report 2013-14 accompanying this survey. Please read and complete the online survey. Thank you for taking part.



  • Residents
  • Staff
  • Partners


  • Richmond Borough