All in One Household Survey 2010

Closed 10 Dec 2010

Opened 8 Nov 2010


'Your borough, Your say'

The All in One was a major pledge of the administration to be carried out in 2010. Its purpose has been to find out peoples' priorities for the areas where they live and to better understand how residents would like to be involved in shaping and delivering local services.

Further details are available at the All in One webpage.

What happens next

Over 13,500 Richmond upon Thames residents responded to the survey. Throughout the consultation period Councillors and officers attended various events and locations across the borough, including Christmas celebrations and markets, train stations and local high streets, to raise awareness of the survey and talk to residents about issues in their local area. We leafleted and spoke to over 1,500 people through these events and generally received positive feedback from the local community.

What has happened as a result?

The survey is the first stage of the All in One programme. Following analysis, the results (along with the results of the All in One Business Survey) will feed into local area plans to be drawn up with residents through a series of meetings in spring/summer of 2011. Further details are available on the All in One webpages.



  • Residents