New Adult Social Care web pages - 'Your Support Your Way'

Closed 21 Oct 2010

Opened 7 Oct 2010


The aim of the new web pages is to make our entire information accessible, user friendly and easy to find. The web pages are a self service tool, where people can find their own information and advice. People can also fill in an online 'contact me' form and a simple self-assessment form stating their current situation, so that we can get in touch with the detailed information they have asked for.


We will be testing the new pages, titled 'Your Support Your Way', with service users, partners and staff. Drop in sessions have been arranged so that frontline staff can view the new pages and give feedback. A survey has been sent to organisations such as Richmond AID and RUILs who will arrange sessions with their clients to test the new pages.

What happens next

What has happened as a result?

There were 29 responses to the questionnaire and, as a result of the information collected, we are making improvements to our web information and navigation. Feedback will be an ongoing feature of the website.



  • Residents
  • Carers
  • Community groups
  • Older people
  • People with disabilities
  • Service users
  • Staff
  • Voluntary groups