Consultation on adult mental health rehabilitation services in Richmond upon Thames

Closed 14 Sep 2012

Opened 25 Jun 2012


The consultation is part of a programme of work to improve local mental health services as set out in Richmond's Adult Mental Health Joint Commissioning Strategy 2010-15.

Nationally, mental health services have been changing. Evidence shows that it can be better for a person's mental health to be treated in the community or their own home, rather than in a hospital setting. This means, that if we can develop more local services in the community we can support people to gain more independence, promote recovery and social inclusion. We can also meet the needs of more service users and use our resources more efficiently.

What are we proposing?

Our proposals are based on the latest good practice and clinical evidence and in line with local and national policy.  We are proposing to change how we commission adult mental health rehabilitation service by:

- Introducing a community rehabilitation team

- Developing more mental health accommodation in the community

- Moving away from hospital based care at Riverside Lodge

You can download a copy of the consultation document and find out more at



  • Black and minority ethnic groups
  • Carers
  • Older people
  • Parents
  • People with disabilities
  • People with mental health issues
  • Service users
  • Staff


  • Richmond Borough