Draft Health & Wellbeing Strategy Consultation

Closed 12 Jan 2013

Opened 30 Nov 2012


The Health & Wellbeing Strategy is a long term plan for the Council and its partners which describes how we will work together to improve health and wellbeing in the local area.

Richmond's Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) brings together local leaders from the health and social care system. The role of the HWB is to understand the community's needs, agree priorities and ensure that local people experience better integrated services from the NHS and the Council in the future.

Engagement to develop strategy

The HWB have developed this strategy through an engagement process from April - November 2012 that included:

- Board discussions and workshops

- Working groups within the emerging Clinical Commissioning Group and the Council

- Stakeholder events on April 23rd and September 20th 2012

- Dialogue with stakeholder groups, for example, Joint Commissioning Group for Adults, Mental Health Strategy Group

- National guidance and shared learning from other areas, particularly the Kirklees Health and Wellbeing Partnership

Why your views matter

The HWB have put together their first Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy. This consultation intends to provide residents with an opportunity to comment on the draft strategy. The results of the consultation will be taken into account before the final content is agreed.



  • Residents
  • Black and minority ethnic groups
  • Businesses
  • Carers
  • Children
  • Community groups
  • Gay, lesbian and bisexual people
  • Men
  • Older people
  • Parents
  • People with disabilities
  • People with learning disabilities
  • People with mental health issues
  • Service users
  • Staff
  • Transgender people
  • Visitors and tourists
  • Voluntary groups
  • Women
  • Young people


  • Richmond Borough