Residents' consultation for London Borough of Richmond Upon Thames's Draft Homelessness Strategy 2012-16

Closed 21 Feb 2012

Opened 1 Feb 2012


Homelessness is a pervasive problem, as any resident could become homeless due to unfavourable circumstances. Following on from developing our evidence based on homelessness (the Homelessness Review) we are now consulting on our Homelessness Strategy 2012/2016. 

This document outlines the borough's approach to preventing and addressing homelessness within Richmond upon Thames.  The strategy sets out our overall strategic aims and the objectives that will deliver these aims. The local Homelessness Strategy for 2012-16 has been developed because it is a legal requirement under the Homelessness Act 2002.

We are required to consult with residents as part of the development process of the Strategy, not least as part of our ongoing commitment to equalities. The Council has a broad policy to listen to the views of local people. Consultation feedback will inform the development of the final Homelessness Strategy.



  • Residents


  • Richmond Borough