Setting the Crime Priorities for the Community Safety Partnership for 2014/15

Closed 30 Jun 2014

Opened 9 Jun 2014


The Community Safety Partnership Strategic Intelligence Assessment is a document produced by Richmond Council. It assesses performance against targets for last year and identifies mid to long term crime and disorder issues which are impacting on the borough, such as anti-social behaviour, hate crime, domestic abuse, burglary, town centre and night-time economy crime.

The main purpose of the Assessment is to provide a summary of the problems faced by the borough, in order to review the Community Safety Partnership Plan and support strategic decision-making and resource allocation.

This consultation intends to provide residents with an opportunity to comment on the Strategic Intelligence Assessment document. The results of the consultation will be taken into account when agreeing the priorities for the Community Safety Partnership Plan for 2014/15.

Have your say

Your views on the document are important to us. Make sure you have your say by:

- Reading through the summary Strategic Intelligence Assessment document and/or the full Strategic Intelligence Assessment document if you wish to read in more detail

- Completing the online survey

The documents and the online survey can both be found below. If you are unable to complete the survey online or need any further help please contact

What happens next

Currently the consultation results are in the process of being submitted to Cabinet.

The full document and priorities should be released by the end of the year and will then be published on this page.



  • Residents
  • Black and minority ethnic groups
  • Children
  • Community groups
  • Older people
  • People with disabilities
  • Voluntary groups
  • Young people


  • Richmond Borough