Commissioning Supporting People Services - Service Providers

Closed 9 Dec 2011

Opened 10 Nov 2011


As the Council moves towards becoming a commissioning authority, there is a need to ensure that a commissioning and procurement framework is in place which will set out how the Council will continue to commission and procure both existing and new services.  The Council aims to have all new contracting arrangements in place by April 2013.


A Consultation process began on September 19th at the Supporting People Provider Forum, where we agreed to publish papers to consult with stakeholders on the proposed commissioning and procurement approaches. The Council's principal aim is to ensure that services commissioned for the future are strategically relevant, meet the needs of residents of the borough and are of high quality and represent good value for money.


Whilst this consultation paper is aimed at people who currently provide or receive a support service, it is an open consultation to which other stakeholders and the general public are welcome to respond.


There are two consultations:


1)      Providers of support services

2)      People who use support services (including friends, family and care / support workers).  This consultation is split into ten 'client groups'. Respondents are encouraged to complete the consultation papers relevant to them.



  • Carers
  • Community groups
  • Parents
  • Service users
  • Voluntary groups


  • Richmond Borough