Adult Social Care Consultation 2010

Closed 10 Dec 2010

Opened 15 Oct 2010


Background to the consultation, including why we consulted, is available in the Consultation Document and questionnaire (link below). Further information is also available on the Adult Social Care Consultation webpage (link below).

Our proposals

 The three key changes we are proposing around Adult Social Care are:

- Changes to the Self Directed Support Contributions Policy (the way the Council charges for Adult Social Care), so that where people are able to afford it, they contribute more to the cost of their support.

- Changes to the Eligibility Criteria to raise the threshold for social care services so that it covers people with 'substantial' and 'critical' needs only.

- To close two of the Borough's four intensive day care centres at Tangley Hall and Twickenham. A service will still be provided to people currently using these two day care centres and the two remaining day care centres at Ham and Sheen Lane will continue to provide intensive day care services to those who choose to attend from any of the existing centres.

How we consulted

A survey was provided that sets out the three proposals and asks for feedback. A total of 2077 users of social care and their carers were sent out a postal questionnaire and given the opportunity to comment on these proposals. A number of methods were employed for providing feedback including:

- Filling in a paper questionnaire

- Online via a web questionnaire for each proposal

- Requesting a council officer to complete the form face-to-face in their home

- Providing feedback over the phone

- Writing a letter or email feedback to the consultation address

- Writing to an MP, councillor or council staff to raise their concerns


Several public meetings were also held to discuss the proposals and allow people to provide feedback in person.

What happens next

A total of 372 individual responses were received throughout the consultation period, as well as approximately 300 people who attended public meetings hosted by the Council, voluntary sector organisations and at intensive day centres.

 A number of key considerations were raised that will help Cabinet Members make decisions around the future of Adult Social Care. In addition a number of questions were raised regarding how implementation of the proposals would work. A summary report of the key themes and questions arising from the consultation has been produced (available below).

What has happened as a result?

The findings were considered by Cabinet on 24 January 2011, where the three proposals as set out in the Cabinet report were agreed.



  • Residents
  • Service users